Shifting Intentions: Shifting Hearts Book Two Page 18
With the details discussed, we break up and rush out, telling everyone gathered of the change. It is a busy blur of movement and before I know it, we are all saddled up and heading towards the town center. It is only a few minutes ride from the manor.
Gwen rides next to me and my gaze lingers on her face, memorizing her features. I worry about placing her willingly in danger, all it would take is a well-aimed arrow to take her away from me, but there was no convincing her otherwise. Our time together has been short, but she amazes me more each day.
She catches me staring at her and a smile creeps up on her face, a small blush painting her cheeks a soft red. I feel the heat rise in my cheeks and I know my face mimics her. She has such an effect on me.
“It’s rude to stare, you know.”
“Being in love excuses that rudeness,” I wink.
She releases a soft laugh, “If you say so.”
Gwen’s face has a flash of somberness spring up and she adds on, “I am glad we were together, if you know what I mean. I would hate to be facing today not knowing what I was missing. No matter how today ends, I am so happy we have those memories.”
“They aren’t going to be just memories,” I try and assure her, but I know my voice is filled with doubt, “we will have many more days and nights together as soon as this is all over. I promise.”
“I wish I could believe your promise, but there is so much left to chance.”
I don’t respond, because there is nothing to say that will calm her fears and we are nearly to our destination.
After we dismount, I pull her into a hug and whisper into her hair, “Remember your promise to me, if things start to go south, even slightly, run away from here as fast as you can.”
“It feels cowardly, but I will.”
“There is nothing cowardly about staying alive.” I kiss her crown then release her from my embrace. We separate silently and head away from each other, she goes in the direction of her family where they will prepare for their part and I head towards the direction of Grant and the men gathering. Most of the group is here.
I feel numerous eyes on me and the pressure of my role in this suddenly weighs down on me.
I can’t imagine what the locals are feeling, trusting a stranger with the safety of their families’ lives. A stranger from Westhaven, who they barely know. I haven’t been around long enough to gain the trust of many people outside of the Cliffden family and that is apparent in many of the faces I see around me.
I will just have to prove myself to them.
The moment I stepped away from Parker, the loss of his presence was a physical ache. I yearn to run back in his arms and sprint away from here. To take everyone I care about with us and not risk any of them getting hurt, but none of them would go. My family is brave, and I try my best to mimic them, but it is so hard after all I have been through today.
My mother and I have been waiting in Den’s shop, looking out his window at the bustle of the town square. We are waiting for Gregory to return, when he does, it will be time for us to shift and move into our position at the front of the lines.
I watch as Ash makes her way inside to join us.
“It should be soon,” she says.
“I hope so, the waiting is torturing me. I can’t stop thinking of all the ways this might go wrong.” Like someone shooting Parker before he has a chance to speak.
“Me neither. I don’t like the idea of staying at the back of the group, I want to be up front and ready to help, but I promised Gregory I wouldn’t.”
“Hopefully there won’t be any fighting,” my mother responded.
The room falls silent as we all watch outside and patiently wait. I spot Parker, standing amidst the men, but apart from anyone. Time moves impossibly slow like this, but finally, we spot Gregory’s approach. He heads straight for Den’s shop and we open the door to let him fly in. As soon as he lands, he shifts back to a man.
“It’s time, they are only a few hundred yards from here.”
“I love you all,” my mother says, then she shifts, her body being replaced by a pure white cat.
I don’t waste any time and I shift myself. Together, we head to the front of the lines, standing guard in front of our town. A few seconds later, I see the dust of men and horses approaching. It doesn’t take long for me to see the new arrivals. Everyone stays perfectly still, not wanting to risk any provocations.
Westhaven’s men approach and when they are about a hundred yards away, Gregory lets out a hoot, our signal to shift. We all do at the same moment and I immediately hear cries of alarm rise from the other side.
My father and Parker run out, as they were supposed to and nearly collapse with relief when Parker stands in front of me, waving the white flag and calling for his people to stop. Enough of the line hesitates. He is encouraged by this and starts speaking as my father passes my cloak to me. I am pulling it on as Parker’s voice booms out.
“My friends, stop this useless attack. There is no need for a war with Cliffden, they have no intentions of harming Westhaven or hurting any of your family.”
He lets this ring out for a second, waiting to see if they will advance or if anyone will respond. He is met with silence, so Parker continues.
“My father has told you a lie behind his reason for attacking. He placed all of you in danger over his old prejudices. Lord Westhaven only wanted to murder Lord Cliffden’s family for being shifters. They have been hiding for years, of no danger to anyone, but that didn’t matter to him. He was willing to let countless people to die, not caring that he was lying to everyone to get them to join him. I am not saying this to turn you against my father, I just want the truth out there.”
Parker was going to say more, but an arrow flew towards him, missing him by inches and landing in the dirt next to me. Some of the men raised their bows, ready to fire back, but my father roared out.
“WAIT. Do not let them antagonize us.”
Nobody let their arrows fly, but a few of them kept their bows raised and ready.
“It does not have to go like this,” Parker continued, “there can still be peace in the area. All you need to do is refuse to fight.”
The other men started to talk amongst themselves and whatever they were saying was enough to spur Lord Westhaven into action. I hadn’t seen him before, but I easily identified him. Him and Parker were incredibly similar, sharing the same bone structure, hair color, and facial features, though Lord Westhaven looked significantly sharper and his face seemed as if it has been in a permanent scowl for his entire life.
He was a few hundred yards away, but his voice carried it almost sounded as if he was right next to me.
“Don’t listen to my son, he is a traitor and is in bed with the enemy. I don’t know what they did to turn him against his people, it must have been the bewitchment of a young shifter woman filling his head with lies.”
“You are the only one lying, father,” Parker yelled back. “Why would I want to betray my home? I have no reason to want that, all I want is to prevent anyone from making their wives, widows and children, fatherless.”
“That is enough! Archers, prepare and fire on my command.”
I almost wanted to dance, only two archers raised their bows, but when they saw the inaction of their brethren, those were quickly lowered. The victory was short lived as a moment later, I heard a commotion behind us. We were far too focused on the army, we forgot about any attacks from behind. There was a squad of ten men and much to my horror, led by Theo, who was headed straight for Parker and wielding a dagger.
Parker turned just in time to miss the knife striking him directly in his spine, but Theo still managed to lodge it in his left shoulder.
I screamed, “No!” and tried to help him, but my mother pulled me in an opposite direction. The rest of the men were running straight for the four of us, no doubt with the mission of taking out my father and his shifter family. Grant appeared out of nowhere an
d placed himself between my mother and I, and the men charging at us. Ash was at Gregory’s side. We should have known she would not stay away.
I tried to see past Grant, to catch any view of Parker, but what I saw was worse than not seeing anything. Parker was covered in blood and laying on the ground, Theo standing above him.
I didn’t hesitate.
One moment my mother was clutching my arm, the next I was my dog form and charging at Theo. I bit his arm holding the dagger inches before it connected with Parker’s chest. I wasn’t going to let him go, so I held on with a force I didn’t think my new jaws had. He yowled in pain and somewhere behind me, I heard Lord Westhaven yelling about the danger of shifters.
I didn’t care. No one was going to get near Parker, not if I was still breathing.
Theo’s dagger fell from his hands and now it was his turn to be on the ground. My jaw still clamped around his arm, he was struggling to get me off him. I should have known he would have another weapon, but I wasn’t thinking. One second, I was in control, the next he stabbed me in the side and I released my grip on him.
I shifted back to a human, the pain pulling me out of my animal form and Theo stood above me. I thought I was done for, but thankfully, I was surrounded by my people. Three men from town jumped on Theo, and before I know it, he was down on the floor with multiple stab wounds. I should have been disgusted to see his dying body, but I felt nothing other than relief.
I clutched my side then rose and headed to Parker. My heart swelled when I saw him sitting by his own strength. I helped him rise, and only then did I realize how quiet everything around me was, not at all what I thought a battle would sound like. I looked around and what I saw surprised me.
Gwen didn’t run away and thank god for that. Theo’s surprise attack had me defenseless and I thought I was about to meet my end, when she saved me.
I watched in horror as he stabbed her. I tried to get to my feet and help as she collapsed into her human form, but my vision was spinning, and I couldn’t do more than sit. I wasn’t needed though, in seconds, Theo was surrounded by men from the town and he was stopped, never to be a threat again.
Gwen rushed to my side and I was so relieved to have her near me again. Holding on to her for support, I looked around to see the state of the battle, fearing all my plans for prevention were useless, but I was met with the opposite.
While Theo attacked, so did my father and a small amount of men followed him. Based on the bodies, I would guess only fifteen people were involved in the attack. The rest of them were still standing far away, frozen watching me. That small group was easily overwhelmed by Lord Cliffden’s men and among them, there was nothing more than a few injuries.
I started walking towards Lord Cliffden, as I neared, I finally recognized the body at his feet.
My father’s, and lifeless.
Seeing my father’s body lying there, I felt entirely different than I thought I would. I thought I would feel relieved, but no, I felt sad.
He had been awful to me my whole life, abusive both mentally and physically, yet that did not make me love him any less. He was my father, the last parent I had. Despite all his faults, my mother had loved him, which means there was something good inside him. It just hurts knowing my father will never live long enough to be proud of me. Deep down, I always hoped that one day we would have a real relationship, that he would look at me with pride.
That will never happen now.
Worse, with his death, I need to take my place and lead Westhaven. I don’t feel ready, I was planning on having many more years to learn before I took over. My father rarely included me in any of the day-to-day activities, I don’t even know where to start.
Gwen reached up and brushed away the tears from my cheek, tears I didn’t even know were falling. I caught her hand and gave it a small kiss.
“We are alive,” she says, “the rest we can deal with together.”
She must have sensed my thoughts, because those were the perfect words I needed to hear.
“I don’t know if I am ready.”
“You have to be,” she motioned to the line of men nervously standing across the way, “your people need you now, lead them.”
Gwen was right, they were all fidgeting and though they were far away, I could see the unease and lack of direction plain in their body language. They didn’t know if they should be avenging my father or running in retreat. I gulped then started straight for them, pausing a fraction of a step as I passed my father’s body. Being so close to it only made the pain fiercer, but there will be time for grieving later.
As I neared, on man stepped forward to join me, I immediately recognized him, “Cage,” I said and nodded at him.
“Parker, er sorry, My Lord, what is really going on?”
“I already told you, my father wanted to kill the shifters and he placed all of Westhaven in danger to do it.”
“Shouldn’t we follow out his mission?” He asked, visibly uncomfortable of having said it.
“Do you think we should?” The only way I will get them to listen to me, is by first listening to them.
He doesn’t answer one way or the other, just says, “They’re dangerous.”
“Yes, they are,” he seemed shocked by my agreement, so I continued, “but so are all of you, with your weapons and fear. Shifters and Non-shifters are all capable of evil, it’s not which of those a titles person falls under that will determine what they do in their lives, it is their nature. Not all shifters are bad and not all normal people are good.”
“But,” he hesitates, “how can we trust them?”
“The same way we trust each other. Don’t be like my father and let blind fear rule you.” I said that last part slightly louder, conscious of the fact that all the men from my home were straining to hear. I knew Cage was speaking for all of them.
Next, I addressed everyone, “We have nothing to fear from Cliffden. They want peace as much as we do. Yes, they are Shifters and they hid it before now, but they had to, their fears were justified by the actions of my father. They are out in the open now, we know their shapes, but more importantly, we know the strength of their character. They risked themselves to protect their town, something you all hopefully understand.”
The men started to settle their restlessness and I took it as a good sign, so I continued, “Going forward, Cliffden and Westhaven will be a united front, protecting the area and protecting those who cannot protect themselves.”
Gwen walked up to me and we clasped hands, my next sentence rang through the crowds, “Together we will be stronger than we were before.”
I made my intentions clear. I will still marry Gwen, despite her shifting abilities. It was a gamble, telling it to everyone this way, but the biggest gambles can have the biggest rewards. My leadership will be different than my father was, I will lead by transparency and trust, something that needed to be made apparent.
I wake up, excited and ready to spring out of bed. Parker senses my movement and reaches forward to pull me back into him.
“It’s early,” he mumbles out.
I squirm, laughing at his vice like grip around my body, “Yes, but I am too excited to sleep anymore.”
“She won’t be here for hours, what’s the rush?”
My mother is on her way here. I haven’t seen her in a year since she helped me move into the manor in Westhaven shortly after my wedding to Parker. We have both been busy and neither have been able to make the trip between the two towns, but now, nothing could have stopped her from coming.
I am in my last few weeks of pregnancy and my mother wanted to be here to help me through it and meet her newest grandchild. I know it will be hard for her, not having us close by, especially since she has adored Gregory and Ash’s new boy, Blake. Ash is pregnant with her second and that makes me feel much better about not being around as much, my parents will have plenty of grandchildren to dote on.
“I know, but I can’t wait. It’s been so long since I have seen her, or anyone from my family.”
“Being restless won’t get them here any sooner.” I can feel him smiling against me.
“No, I guess it won’t,” I sigh.
“But, I can help you pass the time,” a hint of wickedness on his voice. “You are so beautiful like this. I am going to miss your belly when the baby is out.”
“I won’t,” I laugh, “he is always kicking, and I feel like a giant.”
“My active little guy, isn’t he,” he says lovingly and caresses my stomach again. He looks up at me and a humorous twinkle lights up his eyes, “We will just have to get you another baby in there, soon.”
I swat at him, “Not so soon,” I laugh, “give me at least some time to have my body to myself.”
“I will try, but you are irresistible.”
To prove his point, he starts a gently massage of my whole body, fortunately avoiding my breasts, they have been painfully tender this last week. I let out a low moan when he makes his way to my feet and rubs them. It feels amazing.
I love being pregnant, but now that I am nearing the end, I feel like everything is constantly sore. I can’t wait to be done and have my sweet baby in my arms.
Parker keeps up his gentle care of my body and before long, I am drifting back to sleep. Yet another symptom of the late days of the pregnancy, I can’t seem to get enough rest.
I can’t be sure how long I slept, but I woke up screaming in pain.
“Gwen, what is going on?”
“My stomach,” I grit out and grasp my belly, only then do I notice the pool of liquid I am laying in. A smile teases my lips through the lessening pain of the contraction because I know what is going on.